Hello Everyone!
I would like to thank each one of you who have been following me so far through my blogging journey! As time goes, I will be posting up new recipes and ideas that I find and try to make different and healthier meals as well! If anyone has any requests or input as to what YOU would like to see me make please let me know! This is a learning process for me as well so I am open for ideas! Moving along, this week I made a vegetarian Frittata ! This is a healthy and simple option for lunch and dinner for anyone on the go! You can have all of your veggies cut ahead of time so once you start to cook you have everything ready!
8 eggs
1 zucchini sliced
3 potatoes sliced
1/2 of an onion diced
1/2 tomato diced
1/4 cup sliced mushrooms
2-3 tbl diced red bell peppers
oil for cooking
Salt and Pepper to taste
You can change up the ingredients to any vegetables you like! And if you are a meat lover you can add some ham, turkey or chicken into your frittata as well.
3-4 Servings
1. Prepare all of the ingredients and have everything sliced and diced to go
2. I start by heating a pan and then add a little oil to start cooking up the potato slices. Potato usually takes a little while to cook so I start with that first. (Cook them for about 10 minutes)Season with salt and pepper.
3. Once the potatoes are done, remove them from the pan and set them aside in a bowl. Add a little bit of oil and begin to cook the zucchinis. This should take about 5 minutes or until they have softened. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Once the zucchinis are done, remove them from the pan as well and set them aside with the potatoes. Now we will add the last ingredients to the pan.
5. Add a little bit of oil to the pan again and sautee the onions and red bell peppers. Once they have softened, add mushrooms and tomatoes to the pan as well.
6. After all the ingredients in the pan have cooked for a few minutes, add the zucchini and potatoes back into the pan and distribute everything evenly on the pan. In a bowl, crack the 8 eggs and beat them. Add the beaten eggs into the pan.
7. Once the eggs are added, use a spatula to move the eggs. Once you start to see the outer edges of the Frittata to set, lift the edges and let the runny eggs in the middle slide to the bottom to cook off. Repeat this step until most of the runny egg has cooked.
8. Add salt and pepper to the egg for taste. I also added a little bit of parsley to the top.
9. Once most of the egg is set, remove from the pan onto a dish. I also added cheese on top of my Frittata!
After I add the cheese slices on top , I stick it in the oven for about 3-4 minutes on the broil setting to melt the cheese a bit!
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